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Cafeteria Information / Child Nutrition

Mission: Goliad Child Nutrition will provide a positive and refreshing experience to nourish the mind, body, and spirit of all who walk through our doors. 


We are excited to announce that Goliad Middle School will now qualify for FREE LUNCH under the Community Eligibility Provision just like the elementary school!  This is largely due to a higher number of NSLP Free and Reduced Lunch applications that were returned last year.  So, thank you to our families! 

Meal Pricing for 2024-2025:
Student Breakfast - FREE FOR ALL STUDENTS

Adult Breakfast: $3.30

Elementary Lunch: FREE

Middle School Lunch: FREE

High School Lunch: $2.75

Additional Student Lunch on any campus  - $2.75

Adult Lunch - $5.00


 We are continuing to add extra snack and drink options for purchase.  All of our snacks are “Smart Snack” compliant.  Students need to have money on their accounts or cash in order to purchase these items.  We cannot charge these.  You can add money to your child's account at any time online at If you do not have an account set up, you can register from the same screen.


If you haven’t already, get ahead and fill out the NSLP application!  You can access the online version at and click “start application”.  Online is the most efficient, but there is a paper copy availble to print on this site.  




We appreciate your support and are excited to continue our mission to provide a nurturing experience to everyone who walks through our doors.



HIGH SCHOOL FAMILIES! Apply for free or reduced lunch online!! Its fast and easy!