REGISTRATION FOR 2025-26 School Year is NOT OPEN at this time. ALL STUDENT REGISTRATION FORMS MUST BE COMPLETE FOR STUDENTS NEXT YEAR SCHEDULE AND PARTICIPATING IN 25-26 SCHOOL ACTIVITES. Parent/Guardians must complete the online registration process through the Ascender Parent Portal. ALL CAMPUS OFFICES ARE OPEN TO ASSIST PARENTS WITH REGISTRATION OR ENROLLMENT. ELEMENTARY = 361-645-3206 MIDDLE SCHOOL = 361-645-3146 HIGH SCHOOL = 361-645-3257 Registration forms can be brought to any of the campus offices or emailed to the district email provided in the registration.
All students returning to Goliad ISD must update student registration / data information through the Ascender Parent Portal. All returning students should already have a parent portal account linked to them. Log into your existing account. Access the Registration Steps for your students, within the Parent Portal, from “My Account”, you should see your student’s profile and the “Summary” tab to the left of the screen. Once you are there, it will open up a window asking you to Resume Registration. Click OK and Start Registration. All forms must be complete, it will show your status to the left of the screen (changin from red to green after each forms’ completion). Once all forms are complete, you will see 100% completion and can hit Submit. If you have any issues with your account, or if you cannot see your student’s profile/registration, please contact the campus Secretary for assistance. The information you are entering is going directly to your child’s official data file with the district. Carefully read, verify and update information for your child. Confirm phone numbers, emails, mailing and physical address, and all emergency contact information for your child. Make sure all information is current in case of an emergency or crisis. Continue to maintain this information through out the school year, if it should change. |